Also know as BKU. This stands for men who like to be kissed by other men. This is a group for people who enjoy kissing men.
John:Did you hear that Mark is apart of BKU. He slept with Steve and five others in the group.
Bob:I heard that he likes kissing boys so he joined Boy kissers United to find more boys to kiss.
same as the soviet onion, except 'merica
Hide the oil, the United Steaks of America is here!!! oops i meant states
A Naval Warfare group formed by llaammeerr2 on February 24, 2021 after the Jutland-Cygnus War. During the Zeroth Armada vs. UESF War, the group lost all of its battles waged against it. Tensions between Legion of Jutland and UESF started to rise when, according to UESF, LoJ "raided" the Red Ravens Squadron Discord server. LoJ announced that they had joined the war on the side of ZA moments after it was declared.
United Erusean Strike Force is an unhealthy and inactive group. Man I wished I transferred my main group to LoJ instead.
When a group of gay men meet on grinder and have a big gang bang
Bit again I hate it when he conjures lightning
Quick ! Super ultimate team buddy force unite!
The game that you bought only because it has pokemon in it (or it lasts for 10m) and where new pokemon are broken as hell (zacian and mewtwo lmao) while your teammates never come to objectives and steal your jungle
Surprisingly less toxic than league until you face a 45% win rate random who made it to masters and is now on your team.
Please check the stats the item affects (no attack weight isnt good on gardevoir, choice specs on cinderace what?, and ofc cant forget potion charizard)
me: I love playing Pokemon Unite, my jungle just got stolen! This 10m is gonna be so much fun
A milk unit is any easy to use conversion from Imperial to Metric for measuring weight. People who have only used pounds (lbs) don’t have an easy way to understand how much an object my weigh in kilograms. However, most people familiar with pounds will also be familiar with gallons and will also understand what that amount of weight feels like. A gallon of liquid generally weighs around 3.75 kg, so two gallons would be 7.5 kg. This would be know as 2 MUs.
The flight has a strict carry-on restriction of 7.5 kilos. How much is that?
Yeah, but how heavy do you think my bag is?
Feels like it’s 2 Milk Units. You’re good.
Approximately two hours of sleep.
A: Wasn't Will going to join us for the movie?
B: Yeah, but he took a unit of tom half an hour ago, so he's not going to make it