Quite possible the best school in South Auckland. The school itself is average, but the student are definitely the best. And the coolest. And the funniest. Everyone loves them.
The teachers arent that great and favour people over others. There is also one called "The Muffin" who everyone hates.
I love drury :)
Oh no! We are versing Drury Primary School today! We are going to get poned...
The lowest it can get. There is drug trafficing more trafficing constant cases of assalult and harassment, drug trafficing and fights. Brutal fights. Not to mention the pupils are constantly making out and hooking up, and getting into relationships too young. Its not like their mormon. over all this school needs major but i think it all comes down to one problem, liberals. Think about it, the liberals let ppl in and out or border with drugs which responds to my problem with drug trafficing. as for assault and harrasment, well look no further then Bill Clinton, harrasing people sexually. As for relationships too young thats their parents problem, a majority of which are in fact liberal. I would never let my daughter get into a relationship middle school age and im a conservative so liberals are the problem and have to go.
At North Bridge Middle School blunts are snorted.
The lowest it can get. There is drug trafficing more trafficing constant cases of assalult and harassment, drug trafficing and fights. Brutal fights. Not to mention the pupils are constantly making out and hooking up, and getting into relationships too young. Its not like their mormon. over all this school needs major but i think it all comes down to one problem, liberals. Think about it, the liberals let ppl in and out or border with drugs which responds to my problem with drug trafficing. as for assault and harrasment, well look no further then Bill Clinton, harrasing people sexually. As for relationships too young thats their parents problem, a majority of which are in fact liberal. I would never let my daughter get into a relationship middle school age and im a conservative so liberals are the problem and have to go.
How to show your North Bridge Middle School Pride? Instead of smoking a blunt snorting it
The people who work here are absolute faggots that just have no life
"that guy worked at avonbourne secondary school, what a faggot!"
The people that work here think they are hard and big while they are fuckers and losers
"I worked at avonbourne secondary school so like I'm hard and big don't mess with me"
Kerens High School were nic feins roam and future crack heads attend.Kerens High School sports never disappoints the other team fans.Better watch out for them horny juniors
Kerens High School were no one learns anything!
A school where everyone who comes out is socially stunted, with 2 kids in each grade, all teachers are Lebanese, and the just causes stressed anxiety-filled 6-year-olds. Boys are basically non-existent despite the fact it's a co-ed school. You do stuff at several grade levels above.
Did you hear about the school with all the Lebanese teachers? Well, that's Giles School.