A devious lick is a type of theft where students from school destroy and vandalize their school, originating on tiktok.
Kid 1: Sheeeesh Ima finna devious lick this soap dispenser so free dogwater
Kid 2: bro wtf why would you steal a soap dispenser
A viral TikTok trend in which children post videos of themselves stealing, damaging, or showing off items taken from school, mostly from bathrooms.
Also referred to as Diabolical Licks or Dastardly Licks and when used in the singular tense, refers to one particular event.
“Sheeeesh, did you see that devious lick Anakin posted?! The fucker took the whole sink home!”
Devious licks is a tiktok trend where kids vandalize the school classrooms and bathrooms.
"Hey, I think the principal found out about the Devious licks people are doing."
To steal something "on the low"
Person 1: Did you notice the sink in the first floor bathroom is gone?
Person 2: Keep it quiet but, John hit a devious lick on that sink.
A devious lick is when someone destroys or steals a part of the schools property for the trend.
“Dude someone just hit a devious lick in the bathroom”
Usually stealing an item from your school such as a soap dispenser or something.
Aiden: Yo look at this devious lick i got
Chad: damnnnnn
A Devious lick or lick is a TikTok Trend in late 2021 where students or people steal school supplies, devices etc. It started when a video on TikTok was uploaded about a student stole a soap dispenser.
Bryan: Have you seen my devious lick?
Sam: You mean your electronic pencil sharpener?
Bryan: Yea