if you want to be scene like me follow this simple steps
get some layers in your hair
tease spike or screw it up to stand out
get some awesome colors in your hair like blue pink green etc..
ware skinny jeans any color from white/black to pink and blue
wear vans convers (really in my opiniun you can wear any shoes you want exsept flipflops)
get some rad shirts..hello kitty, care bears, glommy bear pokemon, packman ,hearts ,skulls,dimonds,etc...
random sayings
love robots and dinosors hello kitty
scene is fun uniqe your own style
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99% is a freshman or a 12 year old girl who has many piercings, who cutts their wrist, and uses annoying internet talk.
Depressed and mopey most of the time, they open make their names on Facebook things like "Crystal" and "Amethyst" or some weird mysterious shit.
Also known as a "Skittle-Head" because Scenes usually dye their hair neon yellow, hot pink, teal, green, neon purple or anything else "SUPER QUIRKY!"
Exhibit B: Jacob just broke up with me. My life is ruined. I'm so depressed.
Most Scenes use Facebook as an alternative for complaining about their life.
When a Scene posts something like "So sad, terrible day." online, they wait for their prey to comment saying "Oh! What's wrong honey?" just so they can ignore them, thus succeeding what we call, "attention whoring."
Ashley dyed her hair again, now she's a platinum green-blue-orange-hombre. What a scene girl!
1- Scene kid. Someone with backcombed, puffy hair in bright colours, pastels, white or black, often with a lip or nose piercing, who wears Blood On The Dance Floor band merch
2- A BDSM scene. This is when a Dom and Sub have sex however they enjoy it. A subdrop may be experienced my the Sub post-scene, and the Sub may go into their subspace during a scene.
1- "That girl's such a scene kid"
- "I look so scene to day, fucking hell"
2- "How was the scene for you, kitten?"
Basically a "Scene" is someone that has long choppy multi-colored hair w/side bangs, Wheres uber tight skinny jeans, dresses kinda 80's w/bright colors, listens to most music EXEPT COUNTRY, likes some type of cartoon//comic caracter &&& is odsessed with some type of animal rights snuff, photography or other artistic things, or making up words //.o
most inportantly... they create there own stye... so dont get caught copying it er they'll kill you.
Scene Boy:; Dannng Nigz, yo hair looks lyk dahh bizz-nitchh
Okay, so, apparently, being scene is;
• You wear trashy make up (usually female)
• You take millions of pictures that you upload onto the coolest new social networking site
• You dye your hair crazy colors
• You style your hair crazily
• You wear uber tight pants
• You 'want to be different' even though 'you're exactly the same'.
• You wear band tee's for bands you don't even know so you'll look like you like non-mainstream bands
• You suddenly become bisexual
• You're interesting in dinosaurs and ponies and glitter
• You're a slut (male or female)
• You're 'straight-edge' or
- You're a hardcore drug addict.
You all are idiots.
Keep believing what the media tells you like the good little sheep you are, but you'll eventually see how most of the crap they call 'stereotypes' about people who aren't complete media-conformists are just that; complete and utter CRAP.
Wow! That guy has tight pants on, and crazy scene hair! He must be homosexual!
The much too stereotyped way of style. Many like to call "scene kids" rude and arrogant, but scene is simply a matter of clothing style and whatever you wear doesn't make you whatever the hell you are.
Scene style often consists of bright colors, funky & unique wardrobe (it honestly doesn't matter what the hell you think of the STEREOTYPED scene kid, their style is unique no matter what you think about "them"), vintage/band tees, and for the girls' scene style, Hello Kitty and other cute things like that.
Scene kids are douchebags.
Stop stereotyping them; you probably have never even met a scene kid and got this from some person on the internet.
"I love the scene style with all the colors and unique wardrobe!"
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This is just to shorten the long definitions like #2. basically...ITS JUST A BUNCH OF EMO PEOPLE that dress up as idiots and who try to be "different" from others when they're not because they're pretty much copying all these other "scene" people which doesn't make them different. ANNND...they mest up the whole punk thing and got it all sad and retarded.
and guys who wear tight ass jeans that cut the circulation off their balls.
I'm so scene.
blah blah blah.
im gonna cut myself.
im sad.
no im not emo just because i dress this way dammit.