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Is a joke

Wanna hear the greatest joke ever ?

by Baby bottle November 23, 2021


The man the myth the legend.

Theres lots of them that meet annually in Lake Kyle Park, Texas

"Yo have you heard about Kyle?"

"Yeah, The man the myth the legend."

by 010Wren010 November 28, 2024


Kyle (Kaiull)
To piss oneself

"I nearly Kyle'd my pants today"

by Non-gay man lover November 12, 2022


A type of goof who sits back while his brother fucks his wife, and waits for him to finish Cumming in his wife. To then proceed and eat his brothers incest cum out of his wife, that her refers to quano.

Yo guys I walked by the room there and just witnessed a kyle happening

by The start June 21, 2022


Kyle is an amazing person who is really really funny nice kind smart sweet and cheesy. You’ll always end up smiling when you talk to him and your conversations will go on for hours. He’ll make you laugh way too much and you will never get bored talking to him. He also has good hair and a big brain.

person one: is that kyle? He seems like a really cool person

Person 2: he is!

by Official Merriam-Webster Acc March 4, 2022


Kyle is a furry, sussy baka and discord kitten


by Official Merriam-Webster Acc March 3, 2022


asshole <3

kyle is a big asshole.

by antikyle,kylehater77 September 25, 2022