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Light Skin or Dark Skin

Use to identify another person who has either lighter or darker skin tone. With the commonly inaccurate categories of white. black, Hispanic, etc. This allows the speaker to accurately address somebody else without using general slang terms or formal speech.

Depending on the pigment of the speaker light or dark is directly related to the subject. Two different people may call another exact subject the opposite when giving a description.

Hey there "light skin or dark skin." How are them Redskins looking for that game against the Cowboys?

Excuse me "dark skin or dark skin" I am short on my bus fare by a dime; any chance you could help me out?

That light skin broad I saw was a real class act.

I was feeling how that dark skin cat was laying some knowledge to them hoppers cutting up in the park. That was some old school looking.

by Heathen Minded January 2, 2012

Punch his/her lights out

You are going to punch/ beat someone up so badly that they are going to get Knocked out.

I HATE Justin Beiber i am going to punch his/her lights out!

by magicow12 February 11, 2011

light it up like a christmas tree

Phrase commonly used in the military for blowing the hell out of an enemy position. Plenty of bombs, missles, bullets etc.

They need to go into North Korea and light it up like a christmas tree.

by Kevin February 10, 2007

I smell your light saber

I understand where you are coming from; I hear ya

Unrealistic Dude #1: How am I suppose to synthesis this molecule for her if she won't tell me what the stereochemistry is at carbon 6? You feel me?
Unrealistic Dude #2: Yeah, I smell your light saber. That shit ain't right.

by angioblast August 28, 2009

light up fucking sketchers cunt

shut up
just shut up

get owned
just get owned


by yes mommy please May 16, 2020

Kick the tires and light the fires

To go on a much anticipated bike ride with your buddies.

Touring part of the USA on cruizers or riding the technical single tracks near Stanley, Idaho every year for the past eleven years.

We are going to kick the tires and light the fires to Sturgis and back.


We are going to kick the tires and light the fires is Stanley, Idaho.

by rrinskeep March 6, 2011

a smile that can light up a room

It's almost like a hug, but without the touching-another-person bit. To light up a room, one needs more than a good sense of humor, a tank of gas, curiosity, or some matches. They also need to put people at ease…and smiling is the best way to do it.

guys, seungmin is smiling again! he really has a smile that can light up a room!”

by alilac May 14, 2023