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toilet tart

A toilet tart is an attractive woman who likes to get intimate and do naughty things by herself or with others on a toilet

Wow look at that hot babe posing on the toilet. She's a total toilet tart.

by Sonicpressure April 22, 2023

Big terti in the toilet

BY doing a big terti in the toilet you are just taking a big fat hard dump.

Worries yo-yo Kyoto took a big terti in the toilet

by BIg terti master 69 May 10, 2019

Gravy Toilet

the act of replacing the water in someones toilet tank with gravy, as a prank for them to get horrified at the sight of gravy in their toilet bowl

jon - "man sam pissed me off so i made his toilet into a gravy toilet"
sam- *horrified look on his face as gravy clumps down his toilet*

by maxnellson March 31, 2024

Introduced her to my toilet

An expression for when someone stays at your place over night after hooking up.

I met this this girl on tinder and introduced her to my toilet.
I introduced her to my toilet.

by colloquial June 20, 2023

Toilet Flush

When you probe the asshole of a woman in a gyrating motion giving her a toilet flush like sensation, giving her a overwhelming orgasm.

She asked for a toilet flush, so I knew what I had to do.

by Anal Reign January 29, 2021

Fishnet toilet paper

When something or someone is not trustworthy.

Most politicians are like fishnet toilet paper. You can’t trust much of what’s coming out of their mouth. It’s all crap.

by Elise girly May 19, 2021

I’m gonna go clog the toilet

The phrase you use when saying your off to take a piss with your mates making them believe that your going for a shit but in reality your just having a piss for comedic effect

Right I’m gonna go clog the toilet I’ll see you in like five minutes

You: Ight lad I’m gonna go clog the toilet

Other person: Mate That’s grim why are you taking a shit in school

You: don’t worry it’s only a piss and a few rolls of bog roll

by Jamalbigwiener January 8, 2024