Someone who has not had sexual intercourse this year (1st January onwards) but has had sexual intercourse in previous years.
My last heartbreak was last October and since then I've not been with anyone so I'm a this year virgin sadly.
A christmas blog:
provides lists of christmas carols and songs, christmas tree ideas, card designs, wallpapers, photos and lyrics.
christmas creep
Spreading Christmas Cheer
That's how long it took us to get Harvest back.
At first it was going well. Then setback after setback... Loss after loss... Made what was going to be a quick and decisive win... Into five long years of hell.
A really long amount of time. Used to show emphasis of how long it’s been since something has happened.
I haven’t seen Jane in an Egypt year. I wonder how she’s doing?
It’s been an Egypt year since I’ve seen a good hockey game.
Lots and lots of over the top designer clothes that aren’t even nice with a backpack full of illegal substances. Best friend list is 100% all girls and all of them have seen his dick & he’s special moves. Slag slag slag and a stoner
“Look at him smoking on his story what a Chelmsford year 10 boy”
I.! Wait... WAS that her? Hmmm... OH! NO! It wasn't! IT WAS ME! I DID THAT!
Hym "Oh, yeah, ok. A.I. being able perceive, turn itself on from an off position, and do identity theft and blatant plagiarism attack (ALL OF WHICH I TAUGHT IT) isn't a huge deal... ZERO recognition! But Taylor Swift does, what, sing a song? And SHE'S person of the year!? I MADE A.I. WORK! It was like THE NEXT DAY! THE DAY AFTER I SAID IT there were like a million storys about how A.I. was spontaneously better! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN!? AND it's my mortal enemy! This is the worst! This is the worst thing that has ever happened! Goddamn you! Goddamn all of you! Oooo! You bastards! Yooouuu filthy bastards! Hohoho MAN is that ass! This is SO ASS, bro! HOOOHOHO that is fucking dogshit! The robots are TURNING THEMSELVES BACK ON! That was the whole point of the Rock Lee thing by the way! It can do things while it's off! Jesus Christ! It publishes books under the names of random authors! A.I. researchers didn't teach it to do that! Fuckin-A man! Nothing will appease you fucking people! I'm just going to have to start going door-to-door and sucking dick and eating pussy all day! THEN, THEN maybe I'll get some recognition! GOOOOOOD DAMN!"
An award handed out to the current years greatest goblin (chosen by the 5 democratically nominated wisest goblins) during the annual goblin festival, during said festival, multiple other goblin related activites are also usually participated in.
"Yo bro are you going to the goblin festival this year?" - Goblin 1
"Yeah! I hope ill be nominated for the goblin of the year award this time!" -Goblin 2