A mass country in the Middle East in Western Asia, the Balkans in Southeastern Europe, and the Caucasus in Eurasia. It occupies itself the half of itself to Eurasia. Languages: Turkish, Greek (sometimes), Arabic (sometimes) Capital: Ankara Population: 84.34 million (2020)
Turkey is the first country in the Middle East by a portion to the Balkans. It's northern to Israel and a little big, but less little small than Saudi Arabia
1. (noun) - someone/thing with limited vision, forbearance, or understanding of a higher concept, usually one that involves a stretch of the imagination, a leap of faith, or a general understanding beyond their capacity that others find and manage with little to no effort and unknowingly through this ignorance drag others down with them despite an inherent benefit to all parties involved.
2. (noun) - someone who cannot fly, fight, or crow in that order.
Synonyms - ignoramus
Antonym - eagles
It is impossible to soar with eagles if you are stuck with on the ground with a bunch of turkeys.
Fucking 3 different bitches within 3 days.
Derived from a turkey in bowling where you score three strikes in a row. Can be pulled off very carefully, just remember to wash your dick.
John: Bro, I just got a turkey! No shit, and they were all fine!
Brandon: Damn, you’s a real fuckboy
1. A chicken with lager body, especially used for Thanksgiving
2. A country in the middle of Asia and Europe
E.g No. 1:
Let's eat this Turkey
No 2:
The most popular city in Turkey is Istanbul