When it actually means it’s so gay that you put Christianfor the irony.
“Did you read that manga I sent you?”
“Yea....it’s so Christian...and fruity.”
Christian Chauca. A good friend, a lover, the best friend anyone can ever have. Good at baseball, very athletic, the best. We became very close this summer. He is like a brother to me, a best friend.
Christian Chauca is a very good friend that you can trust and will never let you down
The type of guy to send you to camp.
Go to the camp dude!
Bro, you're being such a Christian Alber, but I'm already going. Gonna be so clean after that shower.
The biggest bulla who’s boyfriend is Jakob he wants d in his mouth he loves to suck on big black ds because hes gay like his brother Jaden no matter what you do he will always be the biggest bulla you’ll know
Christian hamid: hi I’m the world biggest bulla
A person who tries to uphold modern Christianity principals; eg. don't steal, lie,rest on the Sabbath etc. but who can be overtaken by the what's-in-it-for-me mentality.
David: Here you go, you can have this old guitar if you want...there's no strings either.
Terry: What are you doing that for? I can tell...you'll want something in return one day.
David: You're just being a consumerist Christian again my friend. We can fix it up together if you like.
Christians who look down on others because of their knowledge of scripture and feel that God favors them more as result.
I liked this Church alot more before I realized all the Cliff Christians that go here.
Somebody who chooses the bible verses they like and disregards the verses they do not like. So they can continue to live in a shell.
Jerry is a Christian Cherrypicker, he thinks homosexuality is a sin but wears mixed fabrics and eats fish.