Page one of The New York Times, May 24, 2020 - a list of nearly 100,000 names of Americans who have died from coronavirus in the past few weeks.
She stared at the names. Some of them, she had known. More would follow.
Person 343: Katiuska <Middle《Middle * Name》Name> Robles: The Habitational; The First Juvenile Release 《¤》.
Anton- I need a pro gamer username
Chris-So you need a pro name?
Anton- That's it PRO NAME
The day is June 16th, beat them up.
Person 1: Hey Griffin it’s June 16, you know what that means.
Person 2: No, what does it mean?
Person 1: It means that it’s Beat up your blonde friend that’s name begins with the letter “G” day. *Beats Griffin up*.
Summer Belle is a kind gentle person she is often known for her beauty and obsessions (often with a fictional character) she has good music taste and probably has light brown hair and is loved by nearly every person she meets, she has good
friends and is popular at school, she often associated with her good vocabulary and her dry sense of humour
Summer belle (girls name)
Summer-sunny season
Belle-beautiful in French
Summer belle (girls name)
Summer is one of the kindest girls you will ever meet, her energy is magnetic and she is known by many and is very popular in school. Summer is known for her ethereal beauty and intelligence. She is probably in a top set class. Summer has the best music taste as well as a dry sense of humor. She is able to lighten any situation and is usually known as the “therapist friend” summer is suffering a lot more than many know but she is good at hiding it. Summer is the girl every boy wants to date for a multitude of reasons as well as having a light personality she also carries herself like a Victoria’s Secret model marking every head turn. She smells good ALL THE time and I mean ALL the time. She is gentle and sweet to her boyfriend/girlfriend and offers reassurance when you need it. Overall summer is a person you don’t want to lose.
Summer belle (girls name)
Hey do you know summer
Ofc I know her!! She is the top model!