Source Code

super turd

This is the most idiotic ranting I have ever seen on this site. Somebody please beat some sense into Sonyroolz. Then again, just beat the crap out of him.

I can't believe this brain-dead fanboy just called the greatest 16-bit console of all time a "Super Turd". I'll bet he has never even owned or at least rented a Super Nintendo in his life.

by sarcastic November 25, 2003

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Squirrel Turds

Chocolate covered peanuts. Consumed by the metric ton in movie theaters world-wide. Excellent when mixed with Pelican poo pellets and stirred into a Trashcan of Orvilles. Great Grindage for the Munchies when you're Chinese-Eyed. Not to be confused with Gerbil Turds, although they are easily interchangable.

Yo, Dude! Gimme two dollars! I gotta go drain the main vein an' getta box of Squirrel Turds from the snack shack, you wan' anything?

by Wuffageeter May 10, 2007

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Trailer turd

A person or persons who show a lack of moral character, uncouth behavior.

Girl 1 " Carole got drunk at my party and took off her top in front of everyone."

Girl 2 " Carole doesn't know how to sect in public. She is such a trailer turd."

by Fatgurlreb October 9, 2012

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turd furgeson

when a penis is lodged in a ass hole while the other person is takin a dump.

1.he gave me a TURD FUGESON.
2.TURD FEGOSON is my favorite sex move

by turd furgeson March 29, 2004

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Trailer turd

Trailer Turd is an unpowered lump of excrement.ย 

Some people are just plain trailer turds.

by Dolcetf October 9, 2012

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turd pushups

Its when you fuckin, sit down flat on the ground, and you let your turd, lift you up, off the ground

He was so tall I had to do turd pushups just to see over him

by Jimmahh March 24, 2007

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Turd Burglar

aka Modern "Playa's"

A Turd Burglar is the type of person that seems like they are always on the scam. The type of person just waiting for someone NOT to be paying attention so as to gain possession and/or credit for something that isn't theirs.

Turd Burglars are the type that lay claim to someone else's creative work for the purpose of claiming the credit to it's success.

You will never find a Turd Burglar around an idea that is failed. They are also the first to bail on something when it isn't looking like it might be a success.

Turd Burglars look for opportunity of that quick gain.

At anyones expense except theirs. Turd Burglars do NOT invest in anything. They "Burgle Turds."

If you have ever met a "Turd Burglar," you most certainly will know.

by David A. Archer October 6, 2005

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