Fat mutt of a bxtch wanna mind her own fkn business cheh Belly hanging over pussy now go find a job ya cock crazy mole.
Person1: Aye stupid mole can’t even get a job
Person2: Who u talkin bout der?
Person 1: Aye that Abigail Peter mole rat
Person 2: Who dat?
Person 1: That’s that fat mutt of a bxtch who wanna mind her own business cheh belly hanging over pussy now aye. She a cock crazy mole
Person 2: Is that the one that go to that Catholic devil worshipping school there in Cairns?
Person 1: Wah Wah bro Saint Monica’s
Person 2: oh okay bro. Yawor
Person 1: Yawor bro
Peter warmer.
A little thing we like to call a warmer for your penis!
In the winter times your penis can get very cold n shivel up like a pigs tail.so a peter warmer is the way to go.
Andy: omg bro it's so cold here do you have a spare peter warmer?
Dave : dude you should come prepared but lucky I'm wearing two and u can have one of mine ...
when the male human transgender uses his penis to form an O shape
Aurora, you wanna see my circle peter
when a male or transgender mammal forms an O shape with their penis
Wow those circle peter whales in the distance are Cirle Petering -Shawna Creamer
another word for douche. all he cares about is girls , and other parts. he can not help you and likes younger kids. he will rat you out and get you pissed.
look at "peter scholl" over there , he is an ass!
A dick sucker. Often found in the workplace milking Peters for personal gain.
Have you met that guy Garland in the QA department? He's the epitome of a Peter milker
A fat redneck that likes to kiss his dads beard and has a sexual relationship with his daddy. And likes to anall his sister and his dogs
Peter Colantuono fat daddy yelled at peter and peter was so mad because he couldn’t have any more beard.