When you wipe your finger on your sweaty testicles then rub it under someone's nose.
I almost puked after Ryan bubble-flicked me in class.
When you take a retreat to a Christian camp or Christian organization, or a Trip with Christian friends, where you're surrounded by a supportive Christian bubble that restores you, and you spend time strengthening your relationship with God. I short time with less temptations and a sense of immediate community has you feeling restored and equipped with the spiritual armour of God to go back into the regular world and complete God's works. It helps to shift things like being burnt-out, stuck in temptations and Serving-fatigue.
It was an amazing trip, I've come back with some of that good old Bubble-Restoration. It has me feeling so intune with God and ready to serve him.
When your friend is adorable but says stupid stuff and likes to bully you for saying that chocolate reminds you of Diana
Damn it Nicholas you're such a water with bubbles
Ew stop acting gay John!
A toon that makes fun of the show Breaking Bad. They do this because everybody who likes the show Breaking Bad becomes creepily obsessed and always wants to talk about it. This was shown on Family Guy when Peter became hypnotized by the show. Breaking Bubbles is a comic which shows the characters of Breaking Bad as dumb.
Ted: Dude, did you see that episode of Breaking Bad last night?
Mike: No. I'm not obsessed with that show. Have you seen this picture of Breaking Bubbles?
Ted: That's not funny. Making fun of my TV show.
v. Violating Covid-19 social-distancing restrictions.
Plans for the weekend?
Nothing solid yet but I will be breaking bubbles. Plenty of bubbles.
When a woman has the flu, snot bubbles may occur, period bubbles, may also occur. A period bubble is when a red balloon emerges out of yer fanny while simultaneously having a cold and on your period.
Little girl: "Mommy! I just got my first period bubble (:!"
Mommy: "You are a period bubble."
A bunch of cute little sputters, so cute...and adorable...and lovely...and soft...and sweet...and shy...and playful...and bubbly...
*bubbly sputters*
Xylitol Nova Cookie: Awwwwwwwwww~♡