even though lol can be used as an abbreviation for ‘laugh out loud’ or ‘lots of love’, lol can also be used as an actual word. the word lol can be used in a very sarcastic way, and can also be used when someone says something which supposed to be funny but wasn’t funny.
tom: what’s 1+1?
jerry: 2
tom: no, it’s 11
jerry: lol.
The joke, Inside a joke. You made it!
i got something to do lol
LOL is used when someone dose something funny or fails at a trick and etc because LOL stands for Laugh Out Loud because it's so funny
"Steve *falls* LOL hahaha" or "Steve :" I drank 2 bottles of beer and I don't feel good" You: LOL that's what you get for being a jerk
lol means ,,laughing out loud,, or ,,lots of laughs,,
Person1:My teacher tripped today in front of the whole class and fell on the floor.
Person2:Lol really?