The most seggsiest husband I have ever seen. Best malewife that can apply wet status on you any second!
Random person:Ugh thoma is so bbg
another random person: he's so seggsi that I felt the wet status on my underwear
Thoma is the best and hottest house wife from Genshin Impact
Thoma, he can do anything!
Divorce your husbands they are useless now!
Just Thoma.
A "thomas" is someone with a round, cute face (taken inspiration from Thomas the Train). Common example of a Thomas is TWICE's Park Jihyo and SEVENTEEN's Boo Seungkwan
Person 1: Hey, look over there.
Person 2: Wow, that girl sure is a thomas.
Thomas Is The Best Name On Earth. He Stole Girls From All His Friends. Thomas Loves To Be Called Daddy. Thomas Is The Best At Trolling Too. From Yours Truly Willie With The Third Leg.
Daddy- Thomas Himself.
Thomas is always tired but he is made from 100% boyfriend material and he is totally adorable and really sexy and would be a great bf. Hes super funny and even though sometimes clueless hes actually really smart. He has blue eyes blue like the tank engine he is named for. He has a big, but at the same time very submissive and a masochist. For a girl to test who someone is a Thomas back him into a corner or pin him against a wall and ask if he is submissive and he will pause and stutter and that is how you know or you can also put a collar on him and if he does not resist. He is everything a girl could want and he is also named after the best train, Thomas the tank engine.
Girl 1: who is that he is hot af
Girl 2: thats thomas
The boy who will break your heart worse than you couldve ever imagined
"Thomas and me went out for a year happily only for him to break my heart" -writer
You need a Thomas in your life! They are cuddly, funny and always there for people. GUESS WHAT, if you have a Thomas you ask them if they watch dinner date. I assure you they'll say yes. Hope the Thomas reading this is smiling right now. My Thomas is handsome! Wouldn't change him. SO STOP WHAT YOUR DOING RIGHT NOW AND GO FIND A THOMAS :) ❤️
Thomas will never do you dirty.
Someone misses there thomas.