Source Code

cranberry moon walk

Means to kill Tony Thompson while sayin E Honda E Honda E Honda

Kill tony Thompson to cranberry moon walk

by street fighter February 10, 2014

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walk n roll

fat latina chick with titts so big you can't tell if she is walkin or rollin.

I had to turn sideways to get around this mexican walk n roll. with my back to the wall Mrs. walk n roll asked would you like some jelly beans senior!

2 fat latina chicks are called walk n rollers !!!

7 fat latina chicks are called " just roll over me "

by itichie_nocanpo June 23, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Walking the taco

A guy eats the girl out. Then he keeps the cum in his mouth and spits it on a taco and eats the taco.

I started walking the taco last night.

by Officer Naughty October 31, 2010

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Walking The Urban Tightrope

The act of maneuvering your bike around people on a pavement or other public area, without knocking into anyone.

If you make physical contact with anyone whilst doing this, you fall off 'The Tightrope'. As a consequence, you've created a very awkward situation, as well as making a fool of yourself.

'Walking The Urban Tightrope' can sometimes be a tricky business.

by Mr. Belvedere October 5, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

walk like an egyptian

The consequences of a heavy night taking it up the cairo (see ass).

Thomas: Did you see King Farouk last night, he was walking just like an egyptian dare I say!

Webb: Yup! thats cos I took him repeatedly up the cairo last night.

by BastardFarouker December 14, 2004

14๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

takin the dog for a walk

a term used for masterbation, wackin it, jerkin off ect.

Hey mom im guna go take the dog for a walk ill be back in a lillte bit.

by mike johnson March 11, 2005

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walking your dog

Used to convey that you understand what someone's telling you. Can also be used as an acknowledgement.

Acknowledgement example:
Ruban: "OK, so when you're done making those lattes, can you bus the cafe?"
Joanna: "Yeah man, totally. I'm walking your dog."

Understanding example::
Ho-Jin: "Alright, so 2 + 2 is 4. Does this make sense?"
Sudthakar: "Yeah, for sure. I'm walking your dog!"

by Ruban L. May 9, 2006

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