Going over the green to watch the cricket?
Nah, I’m off to the club to meet sully, the sexy beast of bearsted
you know, the facebook Super Slap that you use when your trying to holla at a girl.
not even going to get into it, its an e-thing to taken sexy back at this point maybe if this werd gets blown up i'll have to add multiple examples.
It means if you put the penis in his ass youll be sure to feel a oh and a yell
im the sexiest sexiness beast
Having or containg greta beauty or physical attractiveness.
Ryan Reynolds has so much sexiness he could have sex with a man and it'd still be heterosexual.
a person who is way to cool for school, is peng and has a big bunda.
person a: a yo sexy gega!
person b: wow they do have a big bunda man.
When someone shows up to a gathering looking like they died seven times on the way there.
Bro 1: Yo did you see Alice last night?
Bro 2: Yeah man, she looked like sexy roadkill. Must have been running late.