Friend 1: Man I'm hungry as a mfer.
Friend 2: me too I got my old lady's biscuit ticket lets go to piqqly wiqqly
1. A large fecal deposit that looks like it was produced by a dinosaur.
2. Scat made by a dinosaur.
1. „Wow dude, That’s a huge primal biscuit!“
2.“Here is a primal biscuit produced by a T-rex.“
An accusatory phrase that implies that something you just heard is made up, imagined or a far reaching fantasy.
Some biscuits resemble the shape of a cow patty so this is a clean way of saying "bullshit" or "BS".
That is a total derfin just made that up!
Nobody would believe that in that "derfin biscuit".
That's some derfin BS right there!
A word dumbass people use to make other dumbass people laugh.
Girl 1:fishy biscuit
Girl 2:*laughs*
An SMS boost of over 100 at a time, leading to inbound taking a fist up the arse.
James: Prepare your anuses, we just got biscuit boosted.
Steve: All back on inbound defend the ship!
Mabz: I'll be there just finishing off this homeless guy on my way in
Gill: More than 4!
Colloquial term for vomiting especially concerning CrossFit.
“This guy at the gym asked for my number, but I just saw him last week chippin’ biscuits while kipping.”
“She’s so badass! She PR’d her squats whilst chippin’ biscuits.”
when your wiener is slapped and slathered all over a biscuit. In which a Dino that has eaten your wiener biscuit is now vomiting up on parts of Auschwitz.
OWW a Dino has just nibbled off parts of my wiener biscuit
I will bite off your wiener biscuit as a form of self defense