Source Code

biscuit ticket

Food stamps/ebt card

Friend 1: Man I'm hungry as a mfer.

Friend 2: me too I got my old lady's biscuit ticket lets go to piqqly wiqqly

by whitedevil666 May 17, 2016

Primal Biscuit

1. A large fecal deposit that looks like it was produced by a dinosaur.

2. Scat made by a dinosaur.

1. „Wow dude, That’s a huge primal biscuit!“

2.“Here is a primal biscuit produced by a T-rex.“

by chicken_terminator June 25, 2022

derfin biscuit

An accusatory phrase that implies that something you just heard is made up, imagined or a far reaching fantasy.

Some biscuits resemble the shape of a cow patty so this is a clean way of saying "bullshit" or "BS".

That is a total derfin biscuit...you just made that up!
Nobody would believe that in that "derfin biscuit".
That's some derfin BS right there!

by Mongo10 October 23, 2023

fishy biscuit

A word dumbass people use to make other dumbass people laugh.

Girl 1:fishy biscuit
Girl 2:*laughs*

by Sassyshelbss January 31, 2016

Biscuit Boost

An SMS boost of over 100 at a time, leading to inbound taking a fist up the arse.

James: Prepare your anuses, we just got biscuit boosted.
Steve: All back on inbound defend the ship!
Mabz: I'll be there just finishing off this homeless guy on my way in
Gill: More than 4!

by Ablemoss June 23, 2022

Chippin’ Biscuits

Colloquial term for vomiting especially concerning CrossFit.

“This guy at the gym asked for my number, but I just saw him last week chippin’ biscuits while kipping.”

“She’s so badass! She PR’d her squats whilst chippin’ biscuits.”

by NoNoFace July 19, 2018

wiener biscuit

when your wiener is slapped and slathered all over a biscuit. In which a Dino that has eaten your wiener biscuit is now vomiting up on parts of Auschwitz.

OWW a Dino has just nibbled off parts of my wiener biscuit

I will bite off your wiener biscuit as a form of self defense

by Tactical_beano May 8, 2017