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Barbie-ing is the act of hooking up with someone and leaving them hanging. This could be caused by over consumption of alcohol or stupidity but it is generally a make out session or even a one night stand that leads on one person to believing that it might actually be a real relationship but in the end the person Barbie-ing never talks to the second individual again. It is generally used to refer to girls that are cockteases.

"You remember that one girl I hooked up with last night dude? I am totally gonna get with her today!" guy 1. " I dunno man I think she might be Barbie-ing."

by Koder dirc September 3, 2012


when you start talking like that guy Leo from that 70's show
Leonard Chingkwake and you use other stoner jokes and gags...

Leo: I don't like what's going on here, man. That little dude's making us all look bad. I'm afraid the boss is gonna fire me.
Steven Hyde: Leo, you are the boss.

you really started leo-ing man...

by yeeco February 2, 2010


This is based on the most unhinged girl ever. Minjing means doing everything unhinged.

Party for the whole weekend in a bouncy house? She is there. Still showing up to work on Monday? Oh she's there, hungover with some Coca-Cola fuel. Drinking tequila and crawling through the club? That's her. The life of the party!

Minj is someone who acts like she has nine lives. Someone whose phone battery dies in a foreign city but still makes it out alive. With a good story.

Someone you look up to, and someone you are scared for. Not even of... for. Someone you want to be when you grow up. Someone that knows all the knowledge in the world but doesn't use any of it. We all want to be her.

Insanely unhinged. That's Minj. Minjing is just the verb of it.

Minj(ing) - She is just unhinged. She is Minjing.

by meisjes June 14, 2023


Verb: Something that is similar to the traditions of Drum Corps International. Giving the ensemble a more professional resemblance.

Dude, for the game tomorrow, the drumline is totally DCI-ing it.

by DHS DM13 December 13, 2009

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The act of either eating before you go into a pool or the over-usage of the words "bro, sis, and lmao"

Yo why are you Ari-ing?

by I am real Kanye 2020 August 20, 2018


to be in the act of praying or having the ability to pray.

the english/arabic version of the word "salee" meaning to pray.
word used by many teenage arab american as part of "arabeezi" slang

No he cant talk right now, he's salee-ing." "are you salee-ing today/

by arabeezi July 28, 2010


To talk like an lg over a text or a social networking site. More specifically using excessive letters and pointless hearts.

Dude, I was talking to Riley last night, she was totally Lg-ing.
Aweeeee sooo cuuute <3! :))))

by Allstar18 August 25, 2011

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