Agunahausen-by-Proxy, also referred to as Factitious Agunahood Imposed Knavishly on Another (FAIKA), is a mental health disorder in which a mother presents her daughter as an "Agunah" to her friends, family and community. The behaviour is generally motivated by a mother-in-law seeking to vilify her son-in-law, elicit sympathy and attention and to generate revenue through crownfunding and community charities
I was redt to a girl who seemed nice, but I did some research and found out her mother has Agunahausen-by-Proxy, and I'm not getting into a shvigger matzav like that
When somebody looking over your shoulder tells you to post something on somebody's Facebook page, when you have no desire to leave a message for that person.
Girlfriend: "Hey! Post Happy Birthday" on your nephews Facebook page !"
Me: "I don't even know him. He is my sister's son."
Girlfriend: "Just do it !"
Me: "Yes, m'am-you are a Facebook Proxy."
Girl is riding you cowboy while friend is giving her anal. Friend pulls out and gives girl dirty sanchez which drizzles onto your upper lip.
You have to be there to receive a dirty sanchez by proxy.
When a medium to ugly guy is in a committed relationship with a beautiful or successful woman, and a woman of lesser standing or beauty attempts/successfully homewrecks that relationship because she thinks if she’s with him it’ll mean she is also beautiful or successful.
When Adam Levine cheated on his wife with Sumner Stroh, and she immediately went to tik tok leading with the fact his wife was a Victoria secret model. Hoping that intern that meant she was just as beautiful as a super model.
Hannah thought that by sleeping with the prom queen’s boyfriend she would receive value by proxy.
“it” egirl. A real life embodiment of a pretty privilege. Gained recognision by cosplaying a school shooter and looking like an Effy Stonem and Belle Delphine love child. Lots of people want to be them, these people r normally pick me edgy cunts.
Person1:,,Wow, why is she trying so hard to be so weird and different?''
Person2:,,Idk man, I guess they just tryna be like Nurse Proxy''