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milk cannons

tits. you can figure this out.

"watch where you point those milk cannons girl, you almost just killed that midget"

by ballstein October 28, 2004

37๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

goo cannon

Penis. Cock. the male sex organ.

During a high speed doggie style with my girfriend, I pulled out my goo cannon and hosed her down with jizz until she looked like a glazed doughnut.

by Mr. North April 27, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

fart cannon

An enlarged exhaust pipe that people sometimes add to their cars. The result is a fart-like sound from the engine. Some fart cans are just for show -- they only make noise, and don't make the car any faster.

This car modification is usually done to Asian import cars, but not always.

See related: Mitsubishi, Toyota, Honda, fart can

by Ryan Thompson January 16, 2004

266๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thunder Cannons

Massive Female Breasts

"Did you see Christina in there? damn shes got huge Thunder Cannons!"

by Blake Ellestud September 21, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cannon Law

"Because" or "Because I said so" A law invoked when asked the question why, after reasons have already been explained or to altogether avoid a question. More commonly used in the business world as a freebie pass to ignore an annoying person's question. Once used by Chris Brown when questioned by media after his release from detainment in PG County, following an assault on a homosexual male. Other celebrities are also using this term. Origination unknown.

i.e. After explaining a long a long marketing scheme in full detail, Jim asks John(the presenter) a stupid or irrelevant question. John simply responds back " thank you for your question, at this time, I am invoking Cannon Law. Next question"

by dom32 February 2, 2014

cannon wheels

another word for (bollocks)

"I fucked her deep last night, I was right up to my cannon wheels"

by sijeff November 8, 2007

Stuff the Cannon

This when you go to your Dr. or clinic to get an STD check. The gigantic elephant Q-tip they use to ram inside of your Johnson is very similar to the force and action exhibited by soldiers, pirates, and other cannoneers.

Wade: Holy Fuck man what happened to you last night.

Dick: Man I have no fucking clue, after destroying all of those beers yesterday and taking about 15 valium I blacked out.

Wade: Jesus

Dick: Yeah I woke up with a dirty crack whore in my bed but couldn't find a condom anywhere.

Wade: Uh-0h sounds like its time to Stuff the Cannon.

Dick: You said it man

by LouieKablooie June 19, 2009