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eastern heights middle school

eastern heights middle school in Elyria Ohio that was and still is ghetto. so much drama is in that ghetto ass school I can’t name everything lmao. that school is full of pick mes, nicotine fiends, furries, white people who wanna be black, and kids who got herpes. anyways, the kids that got herpes only got it because they like hitting peoples vapes (that’s how it spread), 40% of the 8th graders got it😭😭
I’m praying for the Elyria Highschool rn because they gonna be freshman next year💀 goodluck and moral of the story is- don’t have sex at a young age yall😂

eastern heights middle school is a herpes infested middle school in Elyria Ohio.

by nicki is the queen of rap💅 November 22, 2021

The Eastern War

The Eastern War is a game on Roblox owned by gay lovers.

You can give shlop and commit warcrimes.

Hey lets play the eastern war!

by watameln October 4, 2023

Eastern Harti

The term for Hartis who live to the east and along the coastally equidistant line of the former Darwiish capital of Taleh. They constitute the Majeerteen, most Leelkase and most Awrtable.

She's a member of the Eastern Harti clan

by readyforthemoon55 August 1, 2019

Middle eastern steamwell

It’s the thing where two jacked middle eastern midgets strap you down and poop on your chest while you’re being water boarded while. Swag.

Yo bro, that girl I picked up last night was such a freak she let me do a middle eastern steamwell

by Loose seal January 27, 2021

Eastern China

is not a country, it is a county of China. Located on the (mainland) Eastern China Sea, it is T̵a̵i̵w̵a̵n̵ Chinese Republic of China ???

World:"Taiwan is welcomed to the United Nations!"
Western Taiwan:"Noooo, it is Eastern China! Supposing to be my county!".

by Davidthru October 15, 2022


@Eastern-sailor can be seen in reddit.com. He is The smartest Guy you would meet. Also not to mention he has another face... Which no one knows... Just dont bother with this guy.

EG: Eastern-sailor destroyed Chattit

by POET_2004 May 10, 2020


When someone of an eastern religion BS's their way out of explaining their position by appealing to mystic jargon as an evasion tactic.

E Michael Jones kept employing the Easternism, 'Logos' in his writing, but never explained what it meant.

by DL the Anti-Ecumenist December 8, 2020