Dedicated to the power of knowledge and using your power for good, S.E.E. is all about working with the magic that is creating, and everything entertaining, educational, and influencial. It's about elements which inspire people. It's about motivation for people to be a part of a solution to a cause. It's about realizing the value of change, effort, and believing in progress. The goal is to inspire.
When you go to surprise element entertainment .com you can find surprises!
Additionally, there are ALSO...
Hym "SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL ELEMENTS of being being black. And as a mixed race persona I have been told on several occasions that I don't ACT black. So, there ARE social elements to race. Historically there have even been terms associated with people who phenotypically align with one race but socially aligned with another. For example, the Chinese white guy who speaks english with a Chinese accent. Whould HE be wrong to identify as a Chinese person, Piers? No. Should he be made to start speaking English like an American? No. Why would you expect him to have to do that? Retarded. Seriously. You motherfuckers are actually retarded."
A team of toddler man babies that don't take showers and play Fortnite.
Team Element has a big butt.
A Determined Forceful Elements