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When you in a relationship with a man & only one half of his mouth has teeth in.

Does it means he can only half smile with you?🤣So many men use their hand to hide their mouth when speaking & quite often wont look up.Then when you french kiss does it mean you

are vacuuming the muck out of his mouth,cos seriously you need to think of all the bacteria going into your mouth regardless of age a man who don't care of his hygiene can't take of you, it's not all about money darlings or how well they can go down on a woman😱 it's about the stuff associated with poor dental hygiene,but we'll leave it to you.


Sometimes all of what was being said & encouraged can't move a low self-esteem man,he sees a strong woman as a threat instead she's looking out for him. What a waste.

by Janet21 May 29, 2024


Hey young women beware of a narcissist especially the old ones these empty self loathing pieces of shit & trust me they really are pieces of shit they don't care for anyone just pretend like actors getting into a role to get you hooked then drain your resources & a lot of them leech off their partners &:others they wanna lay up in your house pretending they have nothing no money no means then you realize the narc is investing is a shareholder in all types of business,but pretending to have no money.
Ask the worthless fuckers to cover half of the bills watch their faces as they spin off the lies, usually the narc already knows you know & that someone else is interested in having you in their lives as they can see just how talented amazing & truly blessed you are🙏🏾the only person missing out is the narc after you run them out your life for not everyone deserves a seat at your table,but you already know this you just waiting for the narc to get the fuck out your life you run them,but still they stay.Why? You don't need them & have took away you real self from them long ago. Everything a narc touches dies or gets broken that includes your a marriage a side piece, they're only good for a thrill at the time.
Narcs have no personality & always miss out on a good partner as they so fucked up no soul empty as fuck.


Shame is the only thing a narc can bring to the table😔

by Janet21 July 12, 2024


Someone tell us why do Narcissists always wanna know your business, watch you & interfere?

No one's asking what they're doing who they're meetin to get their dick sucked or whose pussy they'll be eating especially since they can't satisfy their partner & nothing y'all put on that shit is gonna work brr 😂


Please stop questioning people everyone's grown brr don't need an investigation.

by Janet21 July 12, 2024


We know someone who is lying to their partner about how much pension they recieve simply cos their putting money somewhere else while leeching off the partner👀brr that behavior is very worthless even for you.
Pay half the bills real men contribute more or do you have another family you hiding?


You are too much of a coward what did I ever see you? Read between the lines it's not hard.

Smh right now.

by Janet21 July 13, 2024


Ever seen a cheater in a panic? He or She won't go out as they're so scared the 💯 loyal committed partner may just decide to get even they watch every move knowing that partner could decide to engage in casual sex with another or do worse than them😬Your heart races thinking damn right now they could be in bed with someone else beating out all that frustration on a sweet hard dick or engaging in some cunnilingous better than you ever could & all the joy of knowing you caused them to go there. A faithful man or woman gets that marriage can be testing at times & Satan isn't partial.Demons can live out their desires & fantasies through a person,so please be careful what you do as what goes around can come back around multiplied by more than what

you were doing. Turn to your Creator for help on how to be a better & more understanding spouse. Your Wife is so 🔥be careful
Remember women cheat better😆


Bottom line is marriage is for keeps,you don't get to do what you want or you really shouldn't have gone into anything in first place.

by Janet21 June 1, 2024


I would cross fire to be with you my beautiful Empress.My feelings for you are the same as they were 38 yes ago you're the most amazing kind honest & loyal woman I have ever known.
I wouldn't change you for the world your quirkiness sense of humour & loving ways makes me so happy & I hope you will be the

one I die with🙏I just wanna hold you baby my arms miss you so much your smell that gem on your tooth the way you smile at me😊
(Uncle Sam When I See You Smile)just reminds me of us ❤️❤️.


Remember I love you all ways💕

by Janet21 July 5, 2024


Narcissists are jealous envious entitled pieces

of shit who hate when they see you getting on with your life. You will work 5-6 days a wk have

a weekend off,but they don't leave you alone to sleep. After they've had their sleep they disturb you just to be selfish,but you took all those long hrs worked your ass off cos you couldn't rely on the pricks to help you anyway & prefer your independence. Spitefulness is a common trait in these fuckers who act like they don't know how to cook clean & wash till the day comes when you say fuck it I don't give a shit anymore.They are jealous of your friendships with other people simply cos you choose to get dressed spend time with your friends & stay happy which is a normal part of your life which they knew when you met It's just your ability to be happy no matter what's going on they can't stand as they try to cast a shadow over your life like it's your fault their life is so fuckin miserable.Then they say things to you like it's ok as you do what you want just to make you feel like shit as if you got with them to babysit them or become a prisoner.


Dishonesty & disloyalty are closely related 🤔

by Janet21 July 4, 2024