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Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria often occurs in transgender or genderqueer people. It makes them feel uncomfortable identifying as the gender they were born with, and feeling uncomfortable with their body. It can often make the people going through this depressed.

Tod suffers from gender dysphoria, because he was born in a girls body but is a boy.

by A LGBT youth June 20, 2019

469๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gender Collector

Gender Collector, Noun: A person who hoards multiple genders and doesn't let them be given out evenly.

Leah is hogging all the genders, "she's such a gender collector".

by kiwi was taken July 8, 2022


A battle of wits and wisdom of adult human beings using child-like minds.

Mankind could have done without the gender-war and those childish humans that participate in it.

by Spiritual-Master December 27, 2022

27๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gender Reveal

An unsolicited photo of a person's genitalia. The politically correct term for what was long known as "indecent exposure", borrowed from the whole baby-coming-out-party idiocy.

She was neither shocked nor offended by Jared's sending her a dick pic an hour after their first date, as if he was unsure whether he was actually a man. She was fairly certain he was, and was not in need of the gender reveal.

by Monkey's Dad June 14, 2021

2625๐Ÿ‘ 1101๐Ÿ‘Ž

gender bender

A player in an MMORPG whose online character is the opposite of their real life gender. There are many different reasons cited as to why people gender bend.

1. Men may play female characters because they're treated nicer, receive more freebies and are invited to teams more often.

2. In player-vs-player environments, female characters are often seen as weaker, and some men may seek to exploit a psychological advantage over chauvinistic players.

3. Female players may create a male character so that they are more respected and taken more seriously, especially if they try to take on a leadership role.

4. A male player figures that if he must look at his character's butt the whole time, it might as well be a female one.

5. A desire to try out a different role in an anonymous environment.

6. Gays who wish to gain more sexual interest from their preferred gender.

7. Some men are feminist enough to genuinely enjoy creating powerful women characters.

8. A perverse pleasure in getting an unsuspecting heterosexual person of the same gender to pursue a relationship, only to spring the surprise on them later.

9. For some males (usually assumed to be sexually immature or frustrated), it's a method of dominating and controlling the female body.

Don't bother trying to chase girls in online games. You never know who's a gender bender.

by Perceptor II February 3, 2008

187๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


The literal name. It means that there are only 2 genders.

XX and XY, no more than that. The other ones are deformations

Non-binary doesn't exist, there is only 2 genders bro.

by controversialdefinitionslol June 27, 2021

3441๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gender Appropriation

Gender Appropriation is the sociological phenomena whereby a man or woman adopts a male/female persona (i.e. identifying as a transgender woman/man). The individual may wear clothing traditionally affiliated with the opposite sex (i.e high heels, dresses, baggy jeans, etc). It can also apply to Drag-Queens and Drag-Kings.

Transgenderism is an example of gender appropriation.

Drag-Queens are mocking feminity and degenerating the female image. This is a typical example of gender appropriation!

by thenihilisticassociate October 27, 2019

107๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž