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Weald of Kent Grammar School

We do Ket is a nunnery school for bent retards who suck cock and do crack in the loos. If you get a whiff of fanny you know a wealdo is close by so start running unless you wanna catch chlamydia. If you go to weald it is likely you were drop kicked as a baby and u are definitely clapped but u do charge 2p or some haribos for a blowjob behind lidl. Normally can find one fingering herself in the maths block or shagging a Year 7.

Is that girl special needs?
Yes she goes to Weald of Kent Grammar School

by yourmumscrotum April 3, 2020

27πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Kent School Boat Club

The Kent School Boat Club or KSBC is many things. First off it is a crew Program. It is a network that reaches out with class to positively influence anyone, whether it is another crew team, an up and coming team, or individual rowers. It is a team of men who work as one. It is a team who will put their nuts on the line for every man in their boat. It is men who have complete trust to everyone in their boat.

It is Honor and Unity

Kent School Boat Club


by KSBC April 12, 2009

54πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

clark kent a ho

To lie to a ho over and over again and then run into a phone booth and bang another ho

I Clark Kent a ho that hoooooooooooooooo!!

by Hank Shoemaker July 5, 2008

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Kent State Still Sucks

A commonly known fact to all students of the University of Akron, that no matter what time it is, Kent State still sucks.

The phrase usually arises after one person shouts, asking what time it is. At which point, someone will reply, and the rest of the crowd will chime in, saying "And Kent State still sucks!"

Person 1: "What time is it?"

Person 2: "It's 8:44."

Crowd: "And Kent State still sucks!"

by AK-Rowdies September 11, 2009

106πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Weald of Kent grammar school

A school full of fat skets. The girls there are so (clapped). They get taught how to give blowjobs and practice on the teachers. When you see the iconic red uniform close your eyes as you might get vomiting and diarrhoea due to the girls looking like horny constipated seals. In conclusion avoid this shitty representation of hell
on earth although if you want a good blowjob is it recommended that you wear eye masks.

Look it’s them clapped girls from Weald of Kent grammar school
Uhhhhh they’re so fat

by Datgeezer1910 December 25, 2019

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Liam Kent

Kent Brockman, from the Simpsons little ugly son.


by Splungous March 7, 2024

kent a saurus

An evil and angry music teacher who likes to keep kids in his closet. He also enjoys being late to class and giving kids broken wires. During music class he torments and bullies kids by yelling and making them re-do work. His favorite chorus student is Brendan.


by Earl Kent November 28, 2017