Describes the quantity/quality of judgement possessed/used by the good-natured but slightly-overconfident captain of the Edmund Fitzgerald during its fatal journey in a horrendous storm.
The Captain of da "Big Fitz" may indeed have been "well seasoned" and experienced in Great Lakes navigating, but unfortunately his judgement was mcsorley lacking during the final voyage.
The state of being dead or not existing.
My dad has been suffering from a lack of being existent for nearly a decade
A Lack minded individual I similar in definition to "like minded individual" but I in reference to said people being similarly stupid as the stupid person they're like...
Flattard has 23 like on his post, hes found 23 lack minded individuals
The proof by lack of evidence fallacy is claiming something is true simply because nobody has yet given any evidence to the contrary.
Torturer: You are a heretic! You can't prove that you aren't one, so you are a heratic. Confess, or we will stretch your body out until you are a foot taller.
Accused: Ha, you did it - you committed the proof by lack of evidence fallacy!
Torturer: That's enough out of you. Brutus, give the wheel another turn.
Jack Liss. president of the US after Kobe dies.
Ben: jack, wanna bang?
Jack: i would, but I lack jizz!
Closely linked to the leaders of the WS/ KotH Group developing the "King of the Hill by Sa-Matra" gamemode of the computer game ArmA III. It expresses the lack of having actual and fresh experience with the current patch and how their own gamemode plays out. Especially the economie system and profile politics of the WS group can be linked to the topic.
The Wipeout costs 20k! Well, Lack of Gamesense.
All player profiles got reset due to laziness and bad coding! Well, Lack of Gamesense.
Making good profit off good plays in armored vehicles is impossible! Well, Lack of Gamesense.
Despite the this title/name having the word lack in it this title/name actually means quite the opposite instead this is A nickname usually given to someone who is never caught lacking, or on the other hand someone who always catches people lacking. This name/title stems from the word “beware”, although there is no direct info on how these words are similar but a common theory is because of the opposite meanings in the words “lack/lacking” and “wary/beware”.