The speed which you can tell lies in until people catch on.
This nigga sharif lies daily, I don’t know how he remembers them all at his cap rate.
The rating of how good an individual would look on a corner.
"My hoes gotta have a corner rating of 6.9 or higher to work for ME!"
An ugly person who nobody rates
That girl is flat like paper 0 ratings
To rate a storm, usually tornadic, before hearing an official rating from the National Weather Service after a damage survey
Weather Weenie: “Matador was definitely an EF5, look at the damage!”
Experienced Weather Spotters: “Don’t pre-rate storms, wait for confirmation.”
n. The act of a heterosexual individual analyzing and judging the quality of a nude picture of another person of the same sex, with no homosexual intent.
"Hey dude, I'm sending a dick pic to my girl, can you straight rate me? No homo."
Unlike pro-rated, when a someone discounts a service because you stopped using it, bro-rated is when one of your buddies offers you a deal up front.
My fraternity brother rents his ski condo for $1,200 a week. He let me have it for the bro-rated price of $450.
The amount of youtube subscribers a youtube channel gains in an average day. This number can only be found using an external source.
Pewdiepie's subscriber rate is about 10000.
My subscriber rate is exactly zero.