The kind of words out of touch wannabes use to sound cool and exotic but end up doing neither.
On my previous foray into the club scene I became so rinsed I lost touch with my chauffeur thus was forced into the indignity of using public transport, of course my insurance will be paying for my upcoming psychiatry visits.
When you’ve had so many drugs that your brain stops functioning
Bro I was so rinsed last night
Brandon's word that he made up meaning you are overdoing a joke
Your joke 😁😀😁 is rinsed, stop doing it plz.
Toronto slang for having sex with another man's girl.
Person 1: Yo, you rinsed my girl fam?
A man who has been stripped of most of his assets after marriage.
Bob was rinsed. He lost his house, car, business, and kids to his ex-wife Karen.
Of a person or activity that is inherently irrational or silly.
My dad is rinsed bro, he thought my protein powder was cocaine. He kicked me out.
This is rinsed, can I stay at yours?