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The act of getting a rimjob while on a plane or other aircraft

John: Yeah so on the way over here I got a skyrim from Julia

by Nekram November 28, 2019


When you eat someone’s ass while on the plane

I was skyrimming this girl on my way to Jamaica

by Hippieflippie88 March 16, 2022


A piss game that only gay 9 year olds play and every kid who plays it is a transgender and jacks off to anime

Hey want to play the piss game skyrim

by skyrim is bad September 30, 2021


Have you anus licked in a aircraft while in the sky.

I got skyrim on the flight back from Hawaii.

by Hrcrider April 11, 2021


A game made by Bethesda that is more addictive than most drugs.

Joshua: Have you seen Ian lately?
Bruce: Ever since he picked up Skyrim I haven't seen him

by Playing Skyrim RN October 15, 2021


Getting or giving a rimjob on an airplane.

After the plane took off me and my boyfriend went to the lavatory and gave each other skyrims.

by iBoy2G January 16, 2023

Skyrim job

When a person gives a rimjob while that person is asleep, and when they get up, the person administering said rimjob would say: "you're finally awake".

Bob: Nancy gave me a skyrim job last night. I almost proposed.

Dan: Do it now, dude.

by Austin Powerz May 16, 2020