Source Code

spawn 12 archimonde

Best damn command in a RP game on Warcraft 3.

n00b: spawn 12 footman
V3tt: omg!!!!
V3tt: spawn 12 archimonde!

by Elvis February 23, 2004

1👍 5👎

Spawn blackhole

A blackhole that came from another one, (ie. clone blackhole).

'A mother blackhole cloned into two baby blackholes-one of which was a spawn blackhole and the other was the original one.'

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022

Spawn Camping

Using newbie or noob social settings to hunt and prey upon people too new to know to avoid you.

Kristinne has burned so many bridges she has to spawn camping classes for beginners where no one knows her.

by LameAtEverything May 19, 2024

Spawn Swap

When you kill all the enemy's at their own base and take over it and they spawn at your last base. This is usually in multiplayer games like FPS.

Spawn swap so we can take over the camping spawn to stop then from camping

by DaPugGod April 10, 2017

Spawn-to-Spawn Kill

When a newly (re)spawned player or entity kills or destroys another newly (re)spawned player or entity. This is very rare.


Spawn Kill
Kill Spawn
Reverse Spawn Kill

You would not believe what just happened! I just spawned and was walking out into the fray when someone else spawned right in front of me with a rocket launcher and blasted me to bits! Spawn-to-spawn kills can be insane.

by The_Epicness9000 May 16, 2020

spawn daddy

that gross baby daddy who has 4 kids floating around and another baby along the way.

Ugh, that spawn daddy is going around town again.

by atling March 25, 2016

spawn tool

An item used to help the point of which offspring exists produce more offspring

The woman asked for the male for the spawn tool

by Fire Burst August 28, 2017