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graces mum

Something younger men really love. Always up for it and likes a challenge. She often has blond children this is mainly due to her love of Russians. Because of her interest in younger men she is left vulnrable to "your mum" jokes.

Sasha found graces mum sticky last night.

by Upforit123456789 July 9, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

your mum

Possibly the greatest insult ever, due to the sheer randomness of it.

Bob: Do you have the time?
Fred: Your mum
Bob: Shut up, you fag. Why do you have to be such a fag all the time?
Fred: Your mum! Your mum, that's why!

by Tempestua December 5, 2004

432๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nicks mum

If anyone ever asks you an awkward question, just reply "Nicks mum" or "Nicks mum did it" etc.
Refers to a 'milf'

" Hey dude, where were you last night?"
".... with Nicks mum?"


" Who do you like more, me or him?"
" Errrr... Nicks mum"

by hannah&chlo January 31, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

ya mum

awesome come back, espescially when u have no idea what the insult meant

Wanker: "wow, you are such a dumbass"
You: "maybe so... but i fucked your mum sideways twice up the clacker and she kept screaming for more"
Wanker: *shut down*
You: *awesome*

by nick santos March 8, 2005

220๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ya Mum

a uselessly funny phrase used when you can't think of jack all 2 say. I use it at least once every day.

"How ya goin'?"

"Yo fat mole"

"Suck my cock"
"suck ya mums cock"

"Your fat"

"what were you doin last night?"

by Bend Over June 9, 2004

242๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž

me mum

your mom in British english

i love me mum so much

by Rickynesh April 21, 2017

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your mum

An insult or comeback which is particularly useful to use on your ginger "friend" (especially one who denys that they are ginger - remember: there is no such colour as "strawberry blond"). This will make him whine like the little bitch on a period that he is.

Brucie: I'm not ginger

Gav: yes you are
Brucie: my parents are not ginger either
Gav: your mum colours her hair
Brucie: what? how do you know?
Gav: saw her minge last night
Brucie: WHAT?
Gav: yep.... Her minge was as orange as a cheesy Dorito. And more cheesy
Brucie: you cunt!

by I banged Brucie's mum September 15, 2012

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