A person that is able to consume massive amounts of alcohol with the intent of getting completely intoxicated while randomly removing their shirt in the bar.
Wesley is a ture animal wheeler he was shirtless by 10:30 and still hasn't found out how he got home last night.
Wheeler gorge in Ojai has some beefcake boys with their shirts off. Had some hot action.
Risking it for the biscuit without any regards for safety or well-being and basing the outcome all on luck or chance in the most ridiculous way possible.
How do you plan on making that happen?
I'm just gunna do it joey wheeler style!
Spokey Wheeler is an old senile man who, in the 80s, was fucked up on drugs and was in many gay orgies. Spokey's in today's world usually end up as school headmasters who really don't give a shit about their lives and grow long hair to infuse their hair with cocaine to snort while in meetings.
Student 1 - Dude, our principle/headmaster is so weird!
Student 2 - Dude didn't you know, he is a Spokey Wheeler
Adopted lowlife, commiting life to love with their keyboard over friends and/or family
Adam: Hey dom come outside
Dom: no im shagging holly
Adam: Dont be such a Jayden wheeler
Nancy Wheeler is from stranger things who’s dating Jonathan with the middle child as Mike Wheeler and the younger sibling Holly She might still have feelings for Steve..
You know Nancy Wheeler from stranger things?
Oh yea that girl who’s been with 2 boys and maybe likes the other.
A highschool douche bag coach who dominates highschool kids to relive his past.
Dude he is such a wheeler, what a dick!