Source Code

Deep Barney

to be in deep trouble

we're in deep barney
Barney Rubble...Trouble!

by Charizard LeBeau June 25, 2009

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Barney shit

Noun: Something new, childish, simplistic, amateurish, or meant for beginners. It may also refer to foolishly innocent thoughts or actions.

Origin: Drawn from Saul Williams' "Penny for a Thought":

"a young child stares at a glowing screen
transfixed by tales of violence
his teenage father tells him that that's life,
not that Barney shit
a purple dinosaur that speaks of love,
a black man that speaks of blood
which one is keeping it real, son?"

~"Did you hear Jen got that job?"
~"At the lawyer's office? It's Barney shit. She's a secretary with a fancy title."

~"I tried a Guinness Stout for the first time last night. It was so good."
~"You're lucky. After all these years drinking Mich Ultra, you're lucky you can handle good beer. That Barney shit will ruin perfectly good taste buds."

~"Dude, Gina just waved to me. Do you think she likes me?"
~"What? Spare me the Barney shit. Go talk to her."

by The Afterworld Cafe March 5, 2010

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Barney Rubble

Fred Flintstone's neighbor and best friend.

The cockney said, "Gee that Barney Rubble got into a barney rubble last night."

by croz March 7, 2005

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Barney Dick

The purple jerky-like substance that remains after boiling Robitussin. It can be ingested to obtain a small buzz followed by about an hour of vicious vomiting. Resembles Barney the Dinosaur's Dick.

Yo, you got any of that Barney Dick? I need that in my mouth!

by D.Havok April 15, 2009

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Barney dick

An alcoholic drink which contains a mix of one part UV Blue vodka, half part UV Cherry vodka, half grenadine and some Sprite. Mixes together to become purple. Like Barney the dinosaur's penis.

"Mix me another Barney dick!"

by Dave Losso January 26, 2009

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barney fag

Stupidest member of Congress. Best known for advocating killing of babies, loving Toyota, unintelligible lisping, and living with and fucking a man 30 years younger than him. Thinks it's okay to be gay, just only if you're a liberal.

"Dude, why is Barney Fag always reelected"

"It's called the double standard: if he were straight, the media would rip him apart for living with a sex partner 30 years younger than he is, but since he's gay he gets away with it."

by Appleton Joe May 30, 2009

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Barney the belt

Weapon of choice for beating your kids. A typical belt that transitions to Barney the belt when getting ready to beat your kids.

β€œCome here junior, why did you break the fine China vase?”
β€œIt was an accident, dad”
β€œWell, okay, I got somebody that wants to meet you. It’s Barney the belt!”

by Thepronerd2 June 28, 2021