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baka neko

stupid cat. also a website.

they have oekaki boards at baka neko.

by Anonymous April 20, 2003

13👍 4👎

Susy Baka

Damn bro did you really just spell sussy baka wrong. What the fuck dude. You had one fucking job ONE FUCKING JOB!
But you fucked it up damn what kind of failure are you... NOW STOP BEING A SUSSY BAKA AND SPELL THINGS RIGHT GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruh did you just say susy baka instead of sussy baka? BITCH WHAT?!

by jellyfish bish September 1, 2021

22👍 10👎


That one bitch that no one wants to listen to in Japanese class. You'd rather watch sensei do her stretches, cause, you know.

Yo Re-Baka... Fuck you!

by THAT guy... February 21, 2015


That one bitch with the big titties and the crazy eyes everybody know her you don't wanna be like her

Guy: Hey that girl over there has big tits
Patrick: don't go near that hoe that's Re-Baka

Guy: did you see that girl at the party last night

Patrick: she's such a Re-Baka

by cosplayergirlfriend14 July 23, 2015

Dirty Baka

The act of ripping a hole in an anime body pillow and having intercourse for so long that all of the stuffing falls out the pillow.

Damn i cant believe John did a Dirty Baka with his JoJo body pillow

by Erin Jeager August 30, 2021

anime baka

Anime Baka is common used to bully people that watch anime and call other people baka.

baka!! ew anime baka🤨

by PUSSY !! March 23, 2021

senpai baka

"Senpai baka" is actually Japanese, which would translate to "upperclassman idiot". However, uwu bitchy cookie girls will use it to be cutesie and tsundere, but in reality, is cringy and nobody gives a fuck.

uwu cookie girl 🥺🥺🥺: uwu owo s-s-s-s-senpai baka uwu meanie
everybody: Shut the fuck up you cunt ass motherfucking tit sucking hoe your mom probably didn't love you as a child

by Yeshahahahahaha February 26, 2022