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A person you go to to get your haircut. Going to these people is a huge mistake because they will fuck it up one way or another. At the end of it all, they ask if you like it and you ALWAYS say yes! This idiot literally fucked up your hair, and you tell him that it looks good? That's insane! The worst part of it all is that you give him money for fucking up your hair!

Don't go to GreatClips, the barbers there can and will mess your hair up the day before prom. Literal psychopaths, these guys are.

by all-hail-cthulhu July 25, 2024


SoMeThInG yOu NeEd NoW

WoW yOu ReAlLy NeED tO cOnSuLt WiTh YoUr BaRbEr

by THELIFEADISER February 20, 2020


A person who is misleading or pretends to not like what he/she is doing

The leader of this Amino is such a barber

by Mundee05 July 26, 2019


cool; heat; awesome; swag; above other(s); drip

seeing something that is super well put together, well thought out, or an expression

Ruby: damn his outfits hella tight, look how nicely it’s put together!

Tierney: forreal that shits barber asf

by Tierbey August 14, 2021


A Kentish slang term for an annoying person normally in a position of authority who is a bit mad and sings whilst they walk along with nothing useful to do. When they speak it makes no sense at all and sounds like they are just repeating the word "Barber" over and over again. for example "Hello you, Barber barber barber barber?" to which the reply is normally "pardon, what are you on about?"

Can also be used when you are interfered with or your life is made more difficult by the "Barber" in question.

For example "How your day going mate?" "Was going fine until that idiot interfered, ive been properly barbered!!!"

That guy over there is a real interfering idiot, he's a right old Barber!

The day was going really well until I got barbered.....

Crashed my car the other day, was pulling out of a junction and the bloke coming the other way barbered me....

by The Man of Kent March 5, 2024

Blown out like a barbers cat

meaning., gorged , stuffed or full of food

I'm blown out like a barbers cat ...

by ceedee1950 May 8, 2023

loklan barber

loklan is a nerd

“loklan barber is such a nerd

by akanddbddisjdisksosiahabdhdjdi November 23, 2021