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Brazilian Blowout

A dangerous and costly sex act wherein an attractive Brazilian man stimulates the woman's vagina by blowing a "raspberry" for approximately 45 minutes at a time. A very disorienting procedure, this can only safely be accomplished by men classically trained in the nearly forgotten Brazilian vibratory lip singing sport known as "mawanablowyamons".

Susan had purchased three sessions of Brazilian Blowout's during her 5 hour port visit from the cruise she had been saving up for. She knew that this "Brazilian Blowout" could be dangerous, but after ten years in the monastery she yearned to call out "Oh God, yes!" and not really mean it. She was working her way up to the mythical turfucken.

by John Boehners April 11, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brazilian Doorknob

When the male inserts a doorknob up a freshley shaved ass hole. if the ass hole is not shaved it is considered as the rusty doorknob.

I love to perform the Brazilian Doorknob.

by scorallys January 18, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brazilian Superslut

A rich Brazilian Immigrant who is one part Sonia Braga, one part Gisele and one part Joana Prado. Usually a big fan of American hip hop. Loves to keep it real.

Leroy: You see dat Brazilian Superslut over dere? Dat be my wifie.

Tyler: You the man.

by major_delmac February 28, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brazilian Sauna

When you fart in the shower and the stench of the fart mixes with the steam of the shower, thus creating a sauna-like effect of pure stink.

Nick ran out of the shower when an innocent fart created a Brazilian sauna.

by niiiicccccxxx January 6, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brazilian Blowout

The process of using small amounts of explosives to blast off your pubic hair.

Matt: "Where are you going this weekend, Seth?"
Seth: "I'm gonna give my girl a Brazilian Blowout."
Matt: "Sweet."

by Luther23 April 8, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sneaky Brazilian

When you are performing oral sex on someone, you grab their pubes in your mouth, and rip them out.

She gave me a Sneaky Brazilian last night, it hurt like a bitch!

by Richleadstheway April 28, 2022

brazilian fires

n. Intense burning sensations caused by too close a shave; usually in the southern hemisphere.


You seem to be sitting as if in great discomfort.

Yeah. It's the Brazilian fires. It's terrible.

I hear some experts think water bombers might be effective.

Sounds drastic, but I am willing to try anything.

by gnostic3 August 30, 2019