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Coach Watson

A truly loved leader that takes his wide knowledge from Gary and drive to explore the world from paddy, overall a wonderful man the inspires the team to do their very best while he idolises keanos fashion sense....Baggy PantsCoach Watson is destined to become one of the greats basically a God!

Coach Watson - let’s do some high knees lads

Lano - you inspire me everyday can I have you autograph

by Lemon555 May 31, 2018

Coach Watson

Coach Watson is a loved boi the gets his inspiration from the main man Gary and his drive to explore the world from paddy and is totally a sexy beast, the lad can pull any girl because of his lanky legs and as soon as they know he’s Coach. He is loved very much by his team but unfortunately he’s going through a Baghdad Pants phase.

He is determined to go down as one of the greats and will succeed!

Coach Watson - let’s do some warmups lads high knees, high knees!
Lano - You are my inspiration can I have a photo

by Lemon555 May 31, 2018

coach mik

A deadly man, stay away! Don't mess with him, or he will get you. Tall male. he farts a lot...don't go on a date with him or he will fart on your food before you get it. He always wears crazy sock. He also has an insanely big booty puttooty.


by hellopotty January 28, 2018

Coach Mike

One goofy ass nigga

“Omfg guys Coach Mike hit a motorcycle driving to practice”

That’s crazy! What a goofy ass nigga!”

by mygfsuckstoes October 16, 2019

Coach Mike

An unempathetic coach

He was acting like such a coach mike.
what a coach mike thing to do

by 188888995 July 30, 2021

coach hall

the best history teacher ever. best basketball coach. don’t ever trust coach hall fun though.

guy 1- have you heard about coach hall?
guy2- yeah he’s the best teacher ever!

by k22k22 March 19, 2021

Coach Reichert

In the year 420 B.C. a mortal man known as San Ricardo confused the infinity stones with pop rocks and this summoned the gods of LDub. He was given a Bucks sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants by the gods. He'd wear them for the rest of his life. Finally, the gods gave him the power of "The Clap" The clap was so power it made men quiver, cry, and soil themselves. Men, women, and children feared the grooviness of The Clap's power. With the clap of his hands, the oceans parted, empires crumbled, and the universe bended to his will. He used this power for good though. He rode along on his majestic steed (The LW Van) with sunglasses and used his powers to solve world hunger by giving everyone a McChicken, donut sticks, and tickets to the Fiserv. His words of wisdom such as "bang, bang", "we outta here", and "LETS GOOO" were studied by generation after generation. Simply put, Reichert is Radical

Doofus 1: Have you seen Avengers: Endgame?
Doofus 2: No
Doofus 1: Well Coach Reichert claps Thanos and kills all the Avengers too, and the world..ALL IS LEFT IS REICHERT

by VinnyVtheSkinnyTree April 29, 2019