The headache females get during their period that does not go away, no matter how much medicine they take.
Jan - "Fuck, I have a granny headache."
John - "Want something for it?"
Jan - "I already took something for it but like always, nothing fucking makes it go away!"
Daisy Dukes on somebody too old to be taken seriously.
That old queen has some nerve parading around in her Granny Clampets.
The real name for shabby chic
"Hey Debbie, I just love your new table and chairs. You must tell me where you got them from"
"Thanks Anna, would you believe that they are second hand from eBay. But I was happy to pay a small fortune and way more than they are really worth because the eBay description said they were genuine Granny Chic"
USA: A person who changes gears in a car slowly
Ireland: A person who french kisses grandmothers
US Citizen: Man that person is such a granny shifter when he drives
Irishman: Why is he kissing grannies and driving?
Biggest road woman on the street she was stealing from that bitch the queen then busted and when on a madness speed on the scooter and cheffing people who don't like tea so don't fuck with her or she will put you six feet under
Random Kid"Walking"
Gangsta Granny "Who da fuck do ya think u talkin about dick head suck ya mum"
Random Kid"What?"
Gangsta Granny 'pulls out rambo' " you fuckin what mate and stabs him 97 times and speed away at a whopping 7 mph
Very ancient human being. Most typically survives off of Salem ciggaretts, instant coffee, and Armor potted meat. Can be found weaing pants with elastic waist bands, Depends, and "to tight" button up shirts. Flip flops have been found to be the most consistnet form of clothing. Most notable characteristic is a constant nagging that flows freely from the oral cavity, and constant rumbling that flows even moe freely from the anal cavity.
The woman sitting on the couch on the other side of the room is Granny Judy.
An old aged woman who wears chains, her hats backwards, can rap, is able to walk/bounce, enjoys goings to clubs, and is a true thug in several gangs.
Xavier Rex: Shit man, look at that granny gangsta rap! She's got some beats. BEAST.
Granny Gangsta: Well I'm an old granny gangsta, and I'm here to say, I'm a wack rocker jockey so get outta my way!
Crowd: OH SHIT!