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half a jag

Half drunk

Chandra had half a jag on after dinner

by Art vanvelay September 7, 2019

Boog Jag

The formation of hard, sharp boogies inside one's nose which cause considerable pain when a some jackass squeezes your nose.

Dude... My girl was trying to be cute last night and squeezed my nose but she gave me such a boog jag it almost made me cry...

by A friend of Bill February 23, 2010

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Jag Bomb

The correct pronunciation of the popular drink consisting of red bull and jagermeister. The original name for the drink is a flying deer according to Jagermeister Co.

"Who says 'jager bombs' they sound like idiots when they ask for it. Keep it short and sweet, Jag Bombs."

"Why would they put Arush instead of Red Bull in a Jag Bomb? It tastes like 2 week old pineapple"

by Bicks January 7, 2008

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jag bag

1. a statement which describes the unfortunate, the sorry, or the lowly, but not as to demean the person. the term "jag bag" is generally used as a term of endearment - a way to let them know they are down, but not out.

2. someone who is doing something unintelligent.

3. by adding -ing can also be used as a verb. "he's jag bagging around." meaning the person is wasting too much time doing something stupid.

"Dude, you're being a jag bag!"

by Chris Johnson & Sean Mulligan January 11, 2006

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Jagging the dog

Wasting time, goofing off or loafing.

I can't get my kids ready to go to school in the morning. They are always off jagging the dog.

by rico the donkey September 8, 2005

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Jag Nugget

The little globs of spunk that land on hands, panties, faces, tits, computer keyboards, and biscuits after ejaculation. This could also be the larger concentration of man juice at the end of ropes. Particularly popular in Chicago where "Jag" is used often.

Look at this photo of your mom. I shot jag nuggets all over her face.

by Gaweezinack April 28, 2020

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Squid Jag

The act of inserting all 5 fingers into the vagina or anus. Once fully inserted to wrist, rapidly open fingers to a claw (fingers spread), And yell (in a deep disgruntled tone) "SQUID JAG!"

Oi, mate. I had a great night last night with Jenny, until I tried the squid jag. Would have got the boot, but the Bitch couldn't get me out. Took me 5 minute to untangle.

by Old Mate Squid August 30, 2017

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