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Wankable material

something that instantlyturns you on eg apicture and yu must wank

"im gonna look on google for some wankable material

by Robert dwey May 20, 2008

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mistress material

the total oppisite of wifey material. doesnt have a hubby, but fucks alot of other womens hubbys.

Married Buisness Man::(staring at the new secretaries ass.) That broad is mistress material, oh yes.

by bitcharoni October 8, 2007

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batting material

Batting material is another word for Pornography or Eye candy

Phil is running low on fresh Batting Material, so he gets all angry and tetchy.

by dr.rob May 17, 2004

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Material Girl

a material girl is someone who is better than everyone else, they are simply the best. A material girl will go to great measures to be the best that they can be, which isn't far because they are already the best. If you are ever to meet a material girl, treat them like the queen they are. Always respect a material girl, for they deserve all the respect in the world. The term material girl was spread around mostly by the song ยจmaterial girlยจby saucy santana. But that song is actually based on the original material girl by Madona, released in 1984. so if you ever hear someone say the words material girl, (most likely sounding like material gworl) just remember that material girls are the best thing to ever happen to this cruel earth.

Mellisa is such a material girl, I wish I was just like her

by RicoLol February 18, 2022

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Wifey Material

Sophie salmeron

โ€œI want a girl whoโ€™s wifey Materialโ€
โ€œOh get Sophieโ€

by PIMPCENTRAL November 24, 2021

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Material Baddie

A person who can hold their own and take care of themselves in the corporeal realm. They are typically very attractive and independent.

Alexis from the TV show Schitt's Creek is such a material baddie.

by Earthmangaboy13 August 27, 2023

Material Bwoyy

A boy who is very amazing, swaggy and rich. (me)

I just got some new clothes from Gucci, they were... 1,000 dollars.

by MaterIalGwaorllllll March 2, 2022