A word that people use when they're seven and can't really cuss
What the 'shiz' is that
similar meaning to “im him” and “let him cook”.
this word means that said person is the shit, he’s that guy.
person 1: look at that guy, he got ts ON
person 2: he’s the shiz fr omm
person 3: blud is shizzing fr
similar meaning to “im him” and “let him cook”.
this word means that said person is the shit, he’s that guy.
person 1: look at that guy, he got ts ON
person 2: he’s the shiz fr omm
person 3: blud is shizzing fr
Another word for shit but for when a mature adult is around. Even though you’ll sound stupid.
Oh shiz, I got a F in Math.
Oh shiz, what happened?
Hey Mr. Jones! I took a shiz in your bathroom :)
The word often used by children to replace the word shit
Synonyms: shoot, shitake mushrooms, dang, darn
Anonyms: urane, pee, pee pee
The perfect word to use when your about to say shit in front of your parents as a child. Or if your speaking in front of a PG audience.
Scenario 1
Jon: Hey kids look at that horse... shiz.
Johnny: Wow that's some amazing looking shiz
Scenario 2
Johnny: I ALMOST BEAT THE LEVEL! HOLY *mom walks into room* shiz?
Clarence: ...
Scenario 3
Johnny: Now I am going to present my essay on... Shiz. "Shiz is a shizzy brown peice of shiz that you can extract from your... bum?"
a word you use when you don't want to swear around children but it has the same meaning as the swearing word
that looks like shiz