An unlawful gathering spot to drink & socialize during the Covid crisis.
We are heading to the ice rink to party on Saturday.....that place is a regular Covid Speakeasy.
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The intestinal chaos caused by a bad case of COVID-19. Starts out feeling like indigestion and a few days later progresses to straight fuckin water. Explosive diarrhea is but a gently trickling stream compared to this VEI-8 anal eruption. It’s the Yellowstone of horrifying dumps. You’re unable to eat anything substantial during this time, so it will eventually progress to yellow brown butt pee which will make you long for the days of a normal trip to the can, and guzzle Gatorade like a parched, sweaty football player. By the time you recovery two weeks later, you’ll feel like you experienced George Brett’s meal at Kokomo’s every day for as long as you can remember, and you’ll have probably shit your pants two or three times since this nightmare began. Remember, it’s not a fart.
Remember when all the toilet paper ran out at the start of the pandemic? It was because of the Covid Shits.
When two people are sheltering in place together, they are in a covidded relationship.
“When John and Ethan became roommates a few months ago they never realized because of the pandemic they would be in a serious and covidded relationship.”
The period of time defined by COVID-19's inundation upon the world, between its first appearance in late 2019 and ends (hopefully) with mass vaccination against it.
I haven't got a haircut during covid-time. It's just too much trouble wearing a mask while sheers are in use around my head. Just ask a certain politician in San Francisco.
During the 2020 pandemic of CoVid-19, WHO advised to wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. This caused many people to have dry hands.
Tyrone: Yo G, Pass Me The Cocoa butter.
Ghost: Why?
T: coz Man Have Covid-Hands.
The state of being well-stocked in Lysol, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes during the Shelter-in-Place order of 2020 during the Covid 19 pandemic. (Toilet Paper and n95 masks moves you on to Covid Barron status).
Forget her bank account, Jeni is Covid Rich! Did you see all of that Lysol at her house at that Zoom on-line party?
is a type of disease that makes you cough,sneeze, and have the urge to go around the world
aaw man i have covid-19, guess i'll travel the world i guess
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