Fellas are the ironic/joking imagined judgemental male audience of the insecure toxic male. The males addresses fellas, typically to ask if he should avoid doing something absolutely normal so as not to seem gay.
fellas, is it gay to wear glasses?
His the most loving passionate furry dog you’ve ever met he’s dumb sometimes but can be really funny and the things he does and has very thick fury
Fella Is a good boy
a white mans substitute for the n-word.
“yo what’s up my fella how you been”
“ mannn fella don’t hate me cause i’m beautiful fella, maybe if you got rid of that silly old haircut you’d get some wenches in your tavern”
A light skinned short person, with short curly hair, a cute smile
Taylor is cool they're one of the fellas!
A way to refer to one's particularly wee penis.
Two boys talking:
A: "Next week is already time for our holiday! Have you packed your stuff?"
B: "Yep, I'm almost done here"
A: "Be careful not go forget your small fella!"
B: "Wikipedia says it's standard size!
Black people. February fellas are black people.
Ah it’s that time of year again! It’s the month of history for those February fellas!
(Depends on how you phrase it) idiotic person, a side hoe or sneaky link , ur bestie, and ect…
Mazzy- Michael why are you such a fellas fuck
Michael- idk