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Zoom University

When most, if not all, of your classes take place online while predominantly relying on the video conferencing platform Zoom. We can all thank Covid-19 for this mess.

“Dude I barely learn anything with online classes and half of my professors don’t even know what they’re doing. Zoom University is a joke.”

“Agreed. If I knew all of my classes would be forced to go online again at the last minute I would’ve stayed home this fall. I’m tired of this Zoom University shit and can’t wait for everything to be normal again.”

by I like cheez-it September 16, 2020

zoom and scroll

A tactic used by engineers and architects to trick coworkers or superiors into thinking they are actually working. The two actions refer to the controls on a mouse and their affiliations in AutoCad.

Nice job Mike! You sure are a hard worker. (Boss)
Stupid asshole! I just got him with the zoom and scroll! (Mike to Dan)

by Dan Ross January 11, 2008

Zoom smack

when everyone leaves a zoom meeting but a few others purposely don't exit so they can talk shit about the meeting

"Haha glad to see you all stayed on so we can talk some zoom smack"

by jokergman July 30, 2020


A manic run taken by a cat after taking a shit- Cats who do this usually do not cover their shit, and are running because they desperately want to get away from the smell.

My cat takes a shit-zoom at least twice a day, and wafts the smell all over the house in doing it.

by freedomofoppression May 26, 2017

The Dick Zoom

When you're wathing porn and the camera zooms in on the dick.

Man, I really hate the dick zoom. I don't want to see dick in HD.

by Henlaree March 13, 2017

Zoom Nutt

The act of turning off your camera during an online class, or meeting, and jacking off before anyone realizes.

Jabair was zoom nutting the entire class

by -kreacher- April 8, 2020

Zoom Fatigue

When you've participated in too many Zoom meetings and it makes you tired.

Oh man, I've had so many Zoom meetings this week I'm feeling Zoom fatigue.

by periaqua May 15, 2020