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swagger ninjas

Swagger Ninjas is something you cant define, unless you are one. It is very hard to become one so keep trying? or consult B cata jen-gaga mligz lil't Kris10 & tdauph. They have so muuch swagger no one can compare to them

Swagger ninjas is just unexplainable

by mysteriousss May 5, 2010

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Bike Ninja

A bike cop, that hides in bushes and alley-ways looking for completely innocent students, and gives them MIP's etc.

Did you see that bike ninja tackle Eric a while ago.

Yea that ninja needs a stick poked through his spokes.

by C MART October 5, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blood Ninja's

Blood Ninja's aka: A.I.D.S. A disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy.

Dude... Blood Ninja's are kicking you're ass from the inside out!

by Buggshit April 14, 2014

13๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ninja Gaiden

(1.) "...Is too damned hard" is the end of that sentence.

(2.) Overrated videogame developed by Tecmo for the NES. Following its release in 1988, the game went on to eventually attain enormous popularity amongst snerds and hardcore lamers alike.

(1.) Ninja Gaiden is too damned hard!

(2.) Snerd: Ninja Gaiden is so awesome! Nintendo rulez...
Hardcore Lamer: I can win at this infuriating game! I'm not completely worthless!

by Christopher the 42nd November 16, 2007

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ginger ninja

One who discreetly mixes just a bit of alcoholic drink into one's ginger ale while at work or doing work.

"Dude are you studying? Why does your breath smells like a fifth of Jack?"
"Oh, you know, I just, I just downed a few ginger ninjas during between clashes."

by brandon & emma April 8, 2008

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pirate ninja

see: pinja
see also incompetent ass hats

pirate ninja fail at life

by popcultureicon March 20, 2005

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Selfie Ninja

,A person who takes a picture of a person taking a selfie. They can be anywhere when someone is taking a selfie. The person taking the selfie has no idea that they are being photographed by the ninja. This is not a photobomb---the ninja is not in the selfie, so position is key.

"Hey man, check out the hot piece of ace! Whoa, she's taking alot of selfies! I'll stand right here so she won't see me and take some pictures ! "

"Stand over there so she won't see you. You can be a selfie ninja! "

by Buck Walter July 26, 2016

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