That collab that every anime degenerate wants.
Omg fortnite anime IS THAT NARUTO?? “morgz shocked sound effect plays”
This is referring to all the barn animal sexual positions of urban dictionary. Currently, The Cow, The Pig, The Fish, The Chicken, The Unicorn and The Goat
Dan: Do you want to play with the barn animals?
Sally: what's that?
Dan: let me show you ;)
Animals is the 1977 progressive rock album by the band Pink Floyd, most critics in the mainstream recognize "The Pink Floyd Holy Trinity" as The Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here and The Wall. But people who actually listen too Pink Floyd know the album Animals is just as good or better than these. These fans repeated it so much, people started using it ironically in r/pinkfloydcirclejerk. Now everyone knows that Atom Heart Mother is the REAL underrated album
"What is the most underrated Floyd Album?"
Person1: Animals is Underrated
Person2: Animals is Underrated
Person3: Animals is Underrated
Person4: Animals is Underrated
Person5: Animals is Underrated
Some one or somethings that loves ice tea (especially lipton) so much that they would fuck it given the chance.
God Justin is such an ice tea animal
In the month of April you and others are challenged to not watch any Anime and or hentai.
Hey Fam have you watched the Tokyo Ghoul episode? Nah fam it’s No Anime April.
The Awesomest Flippin set of cards since yugioh and pokemon . One pack is received for every $20 spent at woolworths in Australia. during the Christmas period of 2013 woolworths encouraged by the orgional series success they released a limited edition set of baby animal cards that went in a separate binder that hooked onto the front of the old and featured 36 "Baby animal" cards some "Baby" reprints and some all new.
Jesus man I just went and spent $2000 at woolworths and got 200 packs of aussie animal cards and a binder. Guess what I am still missing 1 card from both the orginal and baby animals .
A fictional band created by Marilyn Manson during the Medical Animal Era.
Omega and the Medical Animals make good songs such as "I Want To Disappear" and "The Dope Show".