Term used to describe women who stalked celebrities in the '70s and '80s, also known as groupies, also referenced in the song "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson.
That Billie Jean keeps trying to break in Michael Jackson's house!
Is not Michael Jackson’s lover
Billie Jean is not Michael Jackson’s lover.
lillian is an amazing person who can put a smile on anyone's face. She is gorgeous beyond imaginable and has won the hearts of so many people. She is Madison's sister for life and nothing will come between these two. They will go through every high and every low together. Never one without the other.
Man did you see Lily Billy? Madison is lucky to have her.
A simpleton. Much like it's relative the redneck or hillbilly, this form of simpleton usually is from Louisiana. They can however come from Florida as well. They are extremely hard to understand and usually lack most brain cells.
"as dumb as a bayou billy"
Something you gotta watch out for
Watch out for billy rat Cyrus hell chew up your fatty
One of the most accurate weather forecasting systems in the north east. Has saved many golf leagues from cancellation.
Billy weather says there is a window.